Is America Possible?

Jonathan VanAntwerpen
1 min readNov 11, 2022


Fetzer Institute | Photo: Jonathan VanAntwerpen

“Somehow, in a time like our own, when the capacity for imagining appears to be endangered, both by the technology of television and the Internet and by the poverty of public dreams, it seems especially crucial to introduce our students to the meaning of such a question as ‘Is America Possible?’ And it is absolutely necessary that they discover the significance of the biblical text: ‘Where there is no vision the people perish.’ Indeed, it is precisely in a period of great spiritual and societal hunger like our own that we most need to open minds, hearts, and memories to those times when women and men actually dreamed of new possibilities for our nation, for our world, and for their own lives. It is now that we may be able to convey the stunning idea that dreams, imagination, vision, and hope are actually powerful mechanisms in the creation of new realities — especially when the dreams go beyond speeches and songs to become embodied; to take flesh, in real, hard places.”

Vincent Harding, “Is America Possible?”



Jonathan VanAntwerpen

Jonathan VanAntwerpen is a program director at the Henry Luce Foundation. Originally trained as a philosopher, he holds a Ph.D. in sociology from UC-Berkeley.